General White

Date of Birth: 08/11/1946
Neighborhood: North Philadelphia
High School: Thomas Edison High School
Street: W. Susquehanna Avenue
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 03/24/1966
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 32
Panel Row: 15

Click on the memorial panel below for a printable photo of the serviceman on this page.

White left Thomas Edison High School in 1964 and enlisted in the Army the following year when he became dissatisfied with his job prospects. He died in Vietnam on March 24, 1966, at the age of 19. The private first class, a rifleman, bad been assigned to Company A of the 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry. White was survived by his mother, a brother and two sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial