Craig P. White

Date of Birth: 10/04/1947
Neighborhood: Tioga
High School: Olney High School
Street: N. Sydenham Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: LCPL
Date of Casualty: 01/08/1968
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 32
Panel Row: 13

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White loved to sing with friends in impromptu groups at parties and enjoyed dancing. His moves extended to the basketball court, where he was a forward on the Olney High School varsity team. He cut hats and rounded their brims at the old Stetson Co. factory on summer vacations and for six months after graduating from Olney in 1965. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in August 1966 and was sent to Vietnam in October 1967, where he was assigned to Company C of the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division. White died on Jan. 8, 1968, as a result of nonhostile action. 20-year-old lance corporal was survived by his parents, a brother and two sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial