Mark Smith

Date of Birth: 01/21/1945
Neighborhood: North Philadelphia
High School: Thomas Edison High School
Street: N. 12th Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: CP4
Date of Casualty: 05/18/1967
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 28
Panel Row: 13

Click on the memorial panel below for a printable photo of the serviceman on this page.

"Mark will be a brother never forgotten," one of his sisters said. The young man was very loyal to his family, never smoke or drank, and dreamed one day of having a son who would make his mother proud. Smith attended Edison High School and was a stock boy for two years before being drafted into the Army in September 1965. He left for Vietnam in August 1966, and worked as a helicopter mechanic with the 498th Medical Cornpany until his death on May 18, 1967. The specialist four was 22. Survivors included his parents, five brothers and three sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial