Louis Sas

Date of Birth: 07/23/1946
Neighborhood: Olney
High School: Olney High School
Street: Sparks Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP4
Date of Casualty: 03/19/1967
Province of Casualty: Tay Ninh
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 26
Panel Row: 15

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"We're all going to go some day whether we are home or away, young or old, so no sweat," the 20-year-old Army mortar gunner from Vietnam wrote home a few days before he was killed on March 19, 1967, in fighting near the Cambodian border, Sas attended Olney High School, leaving in 1962 to take a position as clerk-deliveryman for AM. Verdi Auto Sup-ply Co. He was drafted in December 1965 and assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company of the 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, in Vietnam. The specialist four was survived by his parents, three brothers and two sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial