Robert J. Sanders

Date of Birth: 09/11/1948
Neighborhood: Olney
High School: Olney High School
Street: W. Fisher Avenue
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP4
Date of Casualty: 11/19/1967
Province of Casualty: Kontum
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 26
Panel Row: 13

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Sanders wanted to become a paratrooper and joined the Army in September 1965 after graduating from Olney High School. The 19-year-old specialist four, a rifleman and automatic weapons specialist, was sent to Vietnam and was assigned to Company C of the 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade. Sanders died on Nov. 19, 1967, while dragging wounded comrades to safety when his unit came under heavy fire. A box of dinnerware Sanders had bought in Thailand for his family as a Christmas gift arrived home four days after his death. Sanders was survived by his parents and a sister.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial