James T. Morin

Date of Birth: 10/27/1950
Neighborhood: Kensington
High School: Jules E. Mastbaum Vocational High School
Street: E. Indiana Avenue
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP5
Date of Casualty: 10/02/1970
Province of Casualty: Khanh Hoa
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 21
Panel Row: 18

Click on the memorial panel below for a printable photo of the serviceman on this page.

Coaches at Masthaum High School remember Morin as an athlete who made up for his relatively small size with hard work and enthusiasm. While attending Masibaum, Menu played football and ran track. He graduated in 1968, and planned to open a tool and machine shop in his hometowrt after completing military service. Morin enlisted in the Army in November 1968. The specialist five, a helicopter gunner with the 243rd Assault Helicopter Company, died in Vietnam on Oct. 2, 1970, shortly before completing his tour of duty. He was survived by his parents, a brother and sister.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial