Albert Kaplan

Date of Birth: 09/20/1946
Neighborhood: Germantown
High School: Germantown High School
Street: E. Phil Elena Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: PVT
Date of Casualty: 02/22/1968
Province of Casualty: Quang Tri
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 16
Panel Row: 4

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Kaplan attended Germantown High School and worked as a plumber's helper before entering the Marine Corps in April 1966. He was sent to Vietnam in December 1966 and assigned to Company B of the 1st Armored Tractor Battalion, 3rd Marine Division. The 21-year-old private, an armored tractor crewman, died in Quang Tin Province on Feb. 22, 1968. He was survived by his wife, a one-year-old daughter, his mother, six brothers, and five sister

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial