Anthony Johnson

Date of Birth: 02/20/1950
Neighborhood: South Philadelphia
High School: South Philadelphia High School
Street: S. Bonsall Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 03/19/1969
Province of Casualty: Quang Tri
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 15
Panel Row: 6

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When he was 3 years old, Johnson started talking about being a "Barine" like his favorite cousin. A month after celebrating his 17th birthday, "Chuckle" Johnson left South Philadelphia High School to join the Marine Corps. Johnson was passed over for a promotion because he lacked a high school diploma, but after earning it, he was made a corporal and named a squad leader. Johnson, 19, was assigned to Battery E of the 2nd Battalion, 12th Marines, 3rd Marine Division. He bad survived more than two dozen military operations when he was killed on March 19, 1969, in Quang Tri Province, in the accidental detonation of another soldier's fragmentation grenade. Johnson was survived by his mother and four sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial