Michael A. Giannini

Date of Birth: 07/07/1943
Neighborhood: Oxford Circle
High School: Father Judge High School
Street: Roosevelt Boulevard
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: 1LT
Date of Casualty: 03/16/1967
Province of Casualty: Tay Ninh
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 11
Panel Row: 4

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Giannini was a member of the Father Judge High School Honor Society before graduating in 1961. His hobbies included skiing, swimming and football. For two years, he worked as a busboy and shop foreman while studying business administration at Temple University at night. Gianinni entered the Army in March 1965. He was a forward observer before attending Officer Candidate School. The 23-year-old first lieutenant was commander of Battery B of the 3rd Battalion, 82nd Artillery. 196th Light Infantry Brigade, in Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam, when he died on March 16, 1967. Survivors included his parents, a . brother and sister.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial