Thomas J. Dowd

Date of Birth: 12/11/1948
Neighborhood: Frankford
High School: Frankford High School
Street: Harrison Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SSGT
Date of Casualty: 12/21/1969
Province of Casualty: Quang Tri
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 8
Panel Row: 13

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The 1967 Frankford High School graduate was an all-around athlete, and played on football, basketball and track teams in several playground leagues. "Tom" Dowd was drafted in June 1968. The 21-year-old staff sergeant, a patrol leader with Ranger Company P of the 75th Infantry, 1st Infantry Brigade, 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized) died in Vietnam on Dec. 21, 1969. He was survived by his parents, six brothers and two sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial