Michael T. Collins

Date of Birth: 08/10/1947
Neighborhood: Port Richmond
High School: Frankford High School
Street: Frankford Avenue
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP4
Date of Casualty: 12/16/1967
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 6
Panel Row: 15

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"Cubby" Collins wanted to get his military obligation out of the way and get on with the rest of his life. He graduated from Frankford High School in 1965 and was drafted into the Army in November 1966. The specialist four, shipped to Vietnam in August 1967, was a rifleman and gunner with Company C of the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry, and 25th Infantry Division. He was looking forward to R&R in Thailand, where he planned to buy an exotic dress for his mother, when he was killed in action on Dec. 16, 1967. "He didn't have much of a chance to make any plans, as he graduated from high school at 18, entered the Army at 19 and was killed at 20," his mother said. Collins was survived by his mother and stepfather, his father and two brothers.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial