Richard C. Chubb

Date of Birth: 04/02/1948
Neighborhood: Southwest Philadelphia
High School: West Philadelphia Catholic High School
Street: S. 57th Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 03/14/1969
Province of Casualty: Quang Tri
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 6
Panel Row: 1

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"Rich" Chubb belonged to the Holy Name Society of the Most Blessed Sacrarnent and the Knights of Columbus. At West Catholic High School, the 1967 graduate joined in intramural sports and staging school plays. He entered the Marine Corp in April 1968 and was shipped to Vietnam 11 days before Christmas, where be joined Company B of the 3rd Shore Party Battalion, 3rd Marine Division. The 20-year-old private first class, a shore partyman, died in Quang Tn Province on March 14, 1969. He was engaged to be married. Survivors included his parents. a brother and four sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial