George W. Abey

Date of Birth: 01/14/1939
Neighborhood: Burholme
High School: Springfield High School
Street: Whitaker Ave.
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 03/16/1966
Province of Casualty: Unknown
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 1
Panel Row: 1

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The 27-year-old private first class served in the Army from 1960 to 1963 after graduating from Springfield High School and spending two years at Ithaca (NY) College. Before re-enlisting in November 1965, Abey worked at the Southern Home for Children on S. Broad Street and at an employment agency. He was sent to Vietnam, where he was a company clerk with the 25th Administrative Company of the 25th Infantry Division. Abey died at Tan Son Nhut, near Saigon, on March 16, 1966. He was survived by his parents and a brother.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial